Medicinal Plants

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  • Baruna
    Botanical name: Crateva religiosa
    (=Crateva magna)
    Family: Capparaceae
    Local name: Baruna
    Common name: Three leafed caper
    Parts used: Bark, leaf
    Plant character: It is a medium-sized deciduous tree with trifoliate leaves and white/ yellowish-white flowers. It grows in full sunlight and prefers dry habitats of river banks, sandy localities and in dry deciduous forests.


    According to Ayurveda, plant is used for treatment of various urinary problems and fever.

    Botanical name: Crateva religiosa

    Family: Capparaceae

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  • Basanga
    Botanical name: Justicia adhatoda
    (=Adhatoda vasica; Adhatoda zeylanica)
    Family: Acanthaceae
    Local name: Basanga
    Common name: Malabar nut
    Parts used: Leaf
    Plant character: It is a shrub with large leaves and white flowers; usually found in forest glades, open waste places and village hedges. It prefers open sunny situations; can also be grown as a garden ornamental or hedge plant preferring natural bright light.


    Leaves are used for cough, asthma and infection. Leaf powder applied in gums keeps the teeth strong and relieves pain.

    Botanical name: Justicia adhatoda

    Family: Acanthaceae

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  • Bathua
    Botanical name: Chenopodium album
    Family: Chenopodiaceae
    Local name: Bathua, Bathuasaga
    Common name: Wild Spinach, Goose foot, Pig weed
    Parts used: Leaf; Whole plant
    Plant character: It is an erect annual herb with hoary stems and branches. Leaves are distantly serrate. Flowers are small, greenish-white, borne on small cymes on inflorescence. This plant prefers full sunlight though it grows in partial shade. It is a weed in wastelands and also cultivated for its edible leaves.


    The leaves are used as leafy vegetable. The plant is also used for killing intestinal worms and increasing immunity power. Leaves are also eaten by the heart patients to get relief from heart diseases.

    Botanical name: Chenopodium album

    Family: Chenopodiaceae

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  • Begunia
    Botanical name: Vitex negundo
    Family: Lamiaceae
    Local name: Begunia/ Nirgundi
    Common name: Five-leaved chaste tree, Chinese chastetree
    Parts used: Leaf
    Plant character: It is a spreading aromatic shrub with 5-foliolate leaves and blue flowers. This species in wild in field bunds, forest edges and village thickets. Best grown in full sun. Rarely cultivated.


    Fresh leaf juice mixed in honey is taken on empty stomach in asthma. Fresh leaves are boiled in water till vaporization and the vapors are inhaled through mouth to reduce cough. The leaves are kept with food grains to keep away the insects during storage.

    Botanical name: Vitex negundo

    Family: Lamiaceae

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  • Bela
    Botanical name: Wedelia chinensis
    (=Wedelia calendulacea)
    Family: Rutaceae
    Local name: Bela, Bel, Bilwa
    Common name: Stone apple, Bael
    Parts used: Leaf, fruit, bark
    Plant character: It is a moderate-sized tree with trifoliolate leaves and greenish-white flowers. Fruits are woody and yellow from outside when ripe but yellow and pulpy inside. Seeds are embedded in the pale orange, aromatic pulp. It is common in dry forests and planted in temple premises, gardens and homesteads. It prefers full sunlight and dry habitats.


    Fruits, bark, leaves and seeds are used in traditional medicine to treat various diseases like constipation, hyper acidity, diarrhea and dysentery. Fruits are used for preparation of summer drink in India. It has anti-cancer, anti-microbial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Botanical name: Aegle marmelos

    Family: Rutaceae

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  • Bhrungaraj
    Botanical name: Wedelia chinensis
    (=Wedelia calendulacea)
    Family: Asteraceae
    Local name: Bhrungaraj, Bhringraj
    Common name: Chinese wedelia
    Parts used: Leaf
    Plant character: This is a prostate gregariously-growing herb with hairy branches, partially lobed leaves, bright yellow flowers. It flowers profusely in full sun. Besides wild occurrence, it is used as a cover crop in gardens.


    Leaves are used in the treatment of dermatological disorders, hair loss, pimples and mouth ulcer and also as a hair dye.

    Botanical name: Wedelia chinensis

    Family: Asteraceae

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  • Bhrusunga
    Botanical name: Murraya koenigii
    Family: Rutaceae
    Local name: Bhrusunga
    Common name: Curry leaf
    Parts used: Leaves
    Plant character: It is a small tree with night-blooming white scented flowers. The species is wild in the forests but frequently cultivated in gardens and parks as a hedge plant and ornamental species. It can grow in full sun to part shady location.


    Fresh leaves are usually used in Indian cooking. Leaves of this plant are a good source of vitamin A, B, C, B2 and calcium and iron and helps in the treatment of dysentery, diabetes, diarrhoea, morning sickness, nausea.

    Botanical name: Murraya koenigii

    Family: Rutaceae

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  • Bhuinnimba
    Botanical name: Andrographis paniculata
    Family: Acanthaceae
    Local name: Bhuinnimba
    Common name: Chireita, Bitter weed
    Parts used: Whole plant
    Plant character: It is an erect annual herbaceous plant with large spreading inflorescence of white flowers and cylindrical fruits that splits open. It prefers hot, humid climate with plenty of sunlight. Found in all types of habitats and can be cultivated.


    The leaf paste applied on body to cure various types of skin diseases. Decoction of leaf also helps in clearing of intestinal worms and increasing immunity of body.

    Botanical name: Andrographis paniculata

    Family: Acanthaceae

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  • Bisalyakarani
    Botanical name: Tridax procumbens
    Family: Asteraceae
    Local name: Bisalyakarani
    Common name: Tridax daisy, Coat buttons
    Parts used: Leaf
    Plant character: It is a perennial creeping and prostate invasive weed of waste places. Stems herbaceous, hairy; leaves thick, serrate on margins; flowers pale yellow, borne of capitate heads. It prefers bright sunlight. This is a wild plant but can be cultivated.


    The leaf juice or leaf paste if used to stop bleeding from wounds. The leaf paste is applied to heal pimples. Leaves are applied externally in ringworm infection.

    Botanical name: Tridax procumbens

    Family: Asteraceae

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  • Brahmi
    Botanical name: Bacopa monieri
    Family: Scrophulariaceae
    Local name: Brahmi/thyme leafed gratiola
    Common name: Herb of grace
    Parts used: Whole plant
    Plant character: It is a gregariously-growing perennial creeping herb of aquatic, semi-aquatic habitats and wetlands. It thrives in full sun and also under light shade. It is usually harvested from the wild.


    According to Ayurveda Bacopa monieri has been used for variety of purposes like enhancing memory and nerves, reducing anxiety and cure epilepsy.

    Botanical name: Bacopa monieri

    Family: Scrophulariaceae

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  • Brudhajaraka
    Botanical name: Argyreia nervosa
    (=Argyreia speciosa)
    Family: Convolvulaceae
    Local name: Brudhajaraka, Brudhadaraka
    Common name: Elephant creeper
    Parts used: Seed, leaf, bark, root
    Plant character: It is a robust perennial climber with large hairy leaves. Flowers are large, tubular, pink. It requires full sun light but also grows in partial shade. It is wild in forests and also grown in gardens.


    Seed powder is beneficial for reduction of weakness. Traditionally plant is also used to cure gonorrhea and chronic ulcers. Root is regarded as a tonic for the nerves and brain.

    Botanical name: Argyreia nervosa

    Family: Convolvulaceae

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  • Dalchini
    Botanical name: Cinnamomum verum
    (=Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
    Family: Lauraceae
    Local name: Dalchini
    Common name: Cinnamon
    Parts used: Stem bark
    Plant character: It is a moderate-sized evergreen tree with thick aromatic bark and glossy leaves. Flowers are white. It requires full to partial sun exposure for better growth. Widely cultivated.


    Chewing a piece of dry bark controls nausea and vomiting while paste of the bark controls headache. Powder of Dalchini mixed with honey in a tea can be used for control of indigestion, stomachache and in intestinal spasm.

    Botanical name: Cinnamomum verum

    Family: Lauraceae

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  • Dalimba
    Botanical name: Punica granatum
    Family: Punicaceae
    Local name: Dalimba
    Common name: Pomegranate
    Parts used: Fruit
    Plant character: It is a small tree with angular stem, orbicular leaves, orange/ red colour large flowers. Fruits are globose and red when ripe. It has long been cultivated for its edible fruit and can become an attractive ornamental plant. It does better under full sunlight. It is widely cultivated for its tasty and medicinal fruit.


    Pomegranate fruits are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, both of which are known to prevent free radicals from damaging cells. It is used as medicine for curing oral bleeding and loose motion.

    Botanical name: Punica granatum

    Family: Punicaceae

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  • Daskerenta
    Botanical name: Barleria prionitis
    Family: Acanthaceae
    Local name: Daskerenta
    Common name: Porcupine flower
    Parts used: Leaf, Stem
    Plant character: It is a tough, spiny, much-branched shrub with prominent yellow flowers. Plant grows in full sun but sometimes in partial shade. It is an wild plant which is grown for its showy flowers and medicinal value.


    The whole plant or its specific parts (leaf, stem, root, bark and flower) has also been utilized for treatment of toothache, whooping cough, tuberculosis, and eczema. The paste of the stem is applied in the affected area to get relief from snake bite.

    Botanical name: Barleria prionitis

    Family: Acanthaceae

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  • Datuki
    Botanical name: Woodfordia fruticosa
    (=Woodfordia floribunda)
    Family: Lamiaceae
    Local name: Datuki, Dhatki
    Common name: Fire-flame bush
    Parts used: Leaf, Flower, Fruit
    Plant character: It is a deciduous shrub to small tree with lanceolate leaves. Flowers are deep red, on bare branches. It is a dominant component of moist deciduous forests in open, sunny places. It is wild, rarely grown in gardens.


    Leaf paste applied on fresh cut and wounds

    Botanical name: Woodfordia fruticosa

    Family: Lamiaceae

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  • Duba
    Botanical name: Cynodon dactylon
    Family: Poaceae
    Local name: Duba, Dubaghasa
    Common name: Couch grass, Bermuda grass
    Parts used: Aerial parts, root.
    Plant character: It is a prostrate herbaceous grass, rooting at nodes. Leaves are lanceolate; flowers in digitate inflorescence. The grass spreads rapidly by its stolons and seeds and colonize wastelands rapidly. It requires high light intensity and direct sunlight to grow. Fairly abundant in the wild; can be cultivated as a lawn grass…..


    Leaf juice with sugar candy (misiri) is prescribed to small kids to cure diarrhea and vomiting. Paste of root with raw rice is applied on forehead to cure headache.

    Botanical name: Cynodon dactylon

    Family: Poaceae

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