Medicinal Plants of Odisha

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  • Ada
    Botanical name: Zingiber officinale
    Family: Zingiberaceae
    Local name: Ada, Adrak
    Common name: Ginger
    Parts used: Rhizome
    Plant character: It is an herbaceous, rhizomatous, perennial plant with thick aromatic edible rhizome. The leaves are long and lanceolate. It prefers partial shade. It is widely cultivated as a spice crop.


    Around the world, Ginger is used as a spice and condiment. It is a key ingredient in Indian cooking and used as a medicine for indigestion and migraine.

    Botanical name: Zingiber officinale

    Family: Zingiberaceae

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  • Agasthi
    Botanical name: Sesbania grandiflora
    Family: Fabaceae
    Local name: Agasthi
    Common name: Vegetable Hummingbird
    Parts used: Flower
    Plant character: It is a small leguminous and fast-growing tree with compound leaves and large white, red or pink flowers. Pods are elongated and drooping. Plant grows under adequate sunlight but can be grown in semi-shade condition. It is mostly grown as an ornamental and economic plant.


    Sesbania grandiflora flowers are used as a medicine to cure night blindness, chronic cough, swelling, sprains, dysentery and malaria.

    Botanical name: Sesbania grandiflora

    Family: Fabaceae

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  • Amarpoi
    Botanical name: Kalanchoe pinnata
    (=Bryophyllum pinnatum)
    Family: Crassulaceae
    Local name: Amarpoi, Patragaja
    Common name: Air plant/ Miracle plant/ Life plant
    Parts used: Leaves
    Plant character: It is a succulent perennial plant with fleshy leaves. It can survive in low light but grows best in full sun or bright indirect light. It can be cultivated in kitchen garden.


    This plant is also known as miracle plant and leaves of this plant used for the treatment of diarrhoea, piles, diabetes, liver damages, urinary problems, respiratory infections, applied to wounds and insect bites.

    Botanical name: Kalanchoe pinnata

    Family: Crassulaceae

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  • Ambiliti
    Botanical name: Oxalis corniculata
    Family: Oxalidaceae
    Local name: Ambiliti, Kumari
    Common name: Yellow wood sorrel
    Parts used: Leaf
    Plant character: Annual trailing hairy herb with creeping stems, rooting at nodes. Leaves trifoliolate, palmate. Flowers are yellow. It thrives well in partial shade. Wild in shady moist localities, dilapidated walls and buildings, but can be cultivated.


    Leaf decoction is used in fever and dysentery. Leaves are edible as a vegetable.

    Botanical name: Oxalis corniculata

    Family: Oxalidaceae

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  • Amla
    Botanical name: Phyllanthus emblica
    (=Emblica officinalis)
    Family: Euphorbiaceae
    Local name: Amla, Aonla
    Common name: Indian Gooseberry
    Parts used: Fruits
    Plant character: Small of medium-sized tree. Mostly wild in forests, also planted and cultivated. Flowers creamish-white, fruit round, ribbed. Plant is a light demander.


    The fruits are a rich source of vitamin C. Fruits are eaten raw and cooked as well. Both dried and fresh fruits are used in Indian traditional medicine. Amla is beneficial for hair growth, skin, cold, cough and intestinal health.

    Botanical name: Phyllanthus emblica

    Family: Euphorbiaceae

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  • Amrutabhanda
    Botanical name: Carica papaya
    Family: Caricaceae
    Local name: Amrutabhanda, Papaya
    Common name: Tree Melon
    Parts used: Fruits, Latex, leaf
    Plant character: It is an unbranched laticiferous tree with fistular stem and large, palmate, long-petioled leaves. Fruits are obovate, yellow/orange when ripe. Seeds round, black. Grow best in full sun. It is a widely cultivated plant.


    People use green papaya for cooking. Plants are beneficial for cancer, diabetes, dengue and fever. Ripe fruits are used to prevent night blindness.

    Botanical name: Carica papaya

    Family: Caricaceae

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  • Ankaranti
    Botanical name: Solanum virginianum
    (Syn. Solanum surattense, S. xanthocarpum)
    Family: Solanaceae
    Local name: Ankaranti, Kanta Kari
    Common name: Suratlense Nightshade
    Parts used: Seeds, Fruits
    Plant character: It is a spreading herb with prominent yellow spines, blue-purple flowers. Fruits are globose with prominent nerves. Wild in sandy localities, waste places; can be cultivated. The fruits are edible.


    Powder of seeds is smoked in a pipe to get rid of worms in dental caries. Decoction of whole plant is used in control of urinary problems.

    Botanical name: Solanum virginianum

    Family: Solanaceae

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  • Aparajita
    Botanical name: Clitoria ternatea
    Family: Fabaceae
    Local name: Aparajita
    Common name: Butterfly pea
    Parts used: Leaf, Root
    Plant character: It is a slender climbing legume with hairy branches and compound leaves. Flowers are blue of white. Pods are compressed, many-seeded. The flowers are large and ornamental. It is wild in forests, village hedges and thickets; also grown in gardens. The plant prefers full sun for best growth.


    Aparajita is a holy flower in India. Leaf extract is used to make a person recover from unconscious stage. Plant is also used to cure face pimples.

    Botanical name: Clitoria ternatea

    Family: Fabaceae

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  • Arakha
    Botanical name: Calotropis gigantea
    Family: Asclepiadaceae
    Local name: Arakha, Arka
    Common name: Crown flower, Giant Milkweed
    Parts used: Leaf, Milky latex
    Plant character: It is an erect shrub with milky latex, covered with white, cottony hairs. Flowers are pale-purple, fleshy. Fruits horn-shaped, fleshy. It prefers full sunlight. The plant grows wild along roads, in waste places, sandy localities; but can also be cultivated.


    The milky latex of the plant is applied to relieve pain due to migraine. Dry flower with ghee is taken to cure asthma. Warm leaves with oil are applied in inflamed parts of the body. Ash of leaves is used with honey to cure asthma and bronchitis.

    Botanical name: Calotropis gigantea

    Family: Asclepiadaceae

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  • Arjuna
    Botanical name: Terminalia Arjuna
    Family: Combretaceae
    Local name: Arjuna
    Common name: Arjun
    Parts used: Stem bark
    Plant character: It is a large deciduous tree with spreading crown, drooping branches and smooth flaking bark. The flowers are yellowish-white; fruits are large and winged. Wild along streams, rivers and other mopist localities. It prefers bright sunlight.


    Terminalia arjuna is an important cardiotonic plant described in the Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical science. It is also believed to have the ability to cure hepatic, urogenital, venereal and viral diseases. The bark of the plant has several medicinal properties.

    Botanical name: Terminalia arjuna

    Family: Combretaceae

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  • Asoka
    Botanical name: Saraca asoca
    (=Saraca indica)
    Family: Fabaceae
    Local name: Asoka
    Common name: Ashoka/ sorrowless tree
    Parts used: Bark
    Plant character: Small ever-green tree with large compound leaves, red/yellow or pink fragrant flowers in large clusters. Young leaves are colourful and drooping in nature. Fruits are large, semi-cylindrical with large seeds. It prefers shady moist localities for better growth and flowering. It is a wild along streams, also grown as an ornamental plant.


    Stem bark is useful in dyspepsia, fever, pain and inflammation. It also cures leucorrhoea and metrorrhoea.

    Botanical name: Saraca asoca

    Family: Fabaceae

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  • Aswagandha
    Botanical name: Withania somnifera
    Family: Solanaceae
    Local name: Aswagandha
    Common name: Indian ginseng/winter cherry
    Parts used: Root, Leaf
    Plant character: It is a perennial herb or sub-shrub, branches extending radially from a central stem. Flowers are yellowish-green; fruits orange to red, encapsulated in an inflated calyx. It prefers a warm sheltered position in full sun. This plant grows gregariously in suitable habitats in the wild and are also cultivated.


    Root powder is useful as a tonic and for anemia and insomnia. Tea prepared from leaf is taken for curing cold and cough.

    Botanical name: Withania somnifera

    Family: Solanaceae

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  • Aswastha
    Botanical name: Ficus religiosa
    Family: Moraceae
    Local name: Aswastha, Osta
    Common name: Sacred fig, Pipal
    Parts used: Latex, Leaf, Bark
    Plant character: It is a large deciduous tree with milky latex, ovate, acuminate leaves and small red-colour syconia (fruits). It prefers bright direct sunlight, can tolerate partial indirect light. It is found in the wild; also planted.


    Ficus religiosa is a sacred tree among followers of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. Traditionally it is used against diabetes, asthma, nasal bleeding, burning, gastric problems and in sexual disorders.

    Botanical name: Ficus religiosa

    Family: Moraceae

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  • Bacha
    Botanical name: Acorus calamus
    Family: Iridaceae
    Local name: Bacha, Bach
    Common name: Sweet flag, Muskrat root
    Parts used: Rhizome
    Plant character: It is an erect perennial herb with grass-like leaves and hard aromatic rhizomes. Leaves are flesy. It thrivesin full sun and part shade but under moist situations. This plant is found both in wild and cultivated conditions.


    It has been used medicinally for a wide variety of ailments, such as gastrointestinal diseases and treating pain, as a sedative, analgesic. It is also used in epilepsy and hypertension. Rhizome used for clearing throat and throat infection.

    Botanical name: Acorus calamus

    Family: Iridaceae

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  • Bahada
    Botanical name: Terminalia bellirica
    Family: Combretaceae
    Local name: Bahada, Bahera
    Common name: Bastard myrobalan, Beleric
    Parts used: Bark, Fruits, Seeds
    Plant character: It is a large deciduous tree with yellowish-white flowers and ovate ridged fruits. It prefers sunlight and cannot grow in the shade. The fruits are widely collected for use an ingredient of Ayurvedic drug “Triphala”. Though wild in the forests, can be grown in open space.


    Plant is used to enhance digestion, and boost immunity. Seeds and fruits are beneficial for curing asthma, cough and blood vomiting.

    Botanical name: Terminalia bellirica

    Family: Combretaceae

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  • Bara
    Botanical name: Ficus benghalensis
    Family: Moraceae
    Local name: Bara
    Common name: Banyan tree
    Parts used: Bark, fruits
    Plant character: It is a gigantic tree with spreading crown and prominent prop roots. This tree prefers plenty of bright sunlight. Wild in forests and in village groves, usually worshipped and grown in courtyards having plenty of space.


    This plant is useful in skin diseases, inflammation and toothache. It is also beneficial for controlling diabetes and vitality in males. Fruits are beneficial for controlling leprosy, nasal bleeding.

    Botanical name: Ficus benghalensis

    Family: Moraceae

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