Medicinal Plants

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  • Keu
    Botanical name: Cheilocostus speciosus
    (=Costos speciosus)
    Family: Costaceae
    Local name: Keu, Gaigobara, Kaukauka
    Common name: Crepe Ginger
    Parts used: Rhizome
    Plant character: It is a rhizomatous perennial herb with reddish slender stems. Flowers are white, embedded in red calyces. It prefers semi-shade and damp habitats. Wild in shady localities in forests and waste places.


    Rhizome of Cheilocostus speciosus is used to treat fever, asthma, acidity, throat infections, diabetes. Plant is also used as an ingredient in cosmetic products.

    Botanical name: Cheilocostus speciosus

    Family: Costaceae

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  • Khajuri
    Botanical name: Phoenix sylvestris
    Family: Arecaceae (Palmae)
    Local name: Khajuri
    Common name: Indian Date, Sugar Date Palm
    Parts used: Fruit, Sap
    Plant character: It is a single-stemmed palm with large pinnate spiny leaves. Flowers are creamish-white. Fruits oblong-ellipsoid, pulpy with hard seed. Plant is very hardy and need full sun. Plenty in coastal areas and dry habitats.


    The fruit from this plant is used to make wine and jelly. It is also useful in the treatment of vomiting, loss of consciousness and tuberculosis.

    Botanical name: Phoenix sylvestris

    Family: Arecaceae (Palmae)

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  • Lembu
    Botanical name: Citrus aurantifolia
    Family: Rutaceae
    Local name: Lembu, Kagjilembu
    Common name: Key lime
    Parts used: Fruit
    Plant character: It is a spiny evergreen small tree with white flowers and large ovate to oblong fleshy fruits. It prefers adequate sunlight. Usually cultivated in gardens and home gardens.


    It is a major source of Vitamin C and mainly used for pulmonary trouble, seasickness, scurvy and other disorders. Juice is applied on hair to control hair fall. It is also helpful to cure jaundice.

    Botanical name: Citrus aurantifolia

    Family: Rutaceae

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  • Madaranga
    Botanical name: Alternanthera sessilis
    Family: Amaranthaceae
    Local name: Madaranga
    Common name: Sessile Joyweed
    Parts used: Whole plant
    Plant character: It is perennial prostrate herb with angular stems, whitish floral bracts and flowers at nodes. It is a high light-demanding species. The plant grows plentily in aquatic and semi-aquatic habitats and field bunds, but can also be cultivated for herbal medicines.


    The leaves are eaten as a vegetable. Decoction of the whole plant is given in gonorrhea. It cures the worms, pimples, asthma problems. The leaves are said to increases eye power, if consumed regularly.

    Botanical name: Alternanthera sessilis

    Family: Amaranthaceae

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  • Mandar
    Botanical name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
    Family: Malvaceae
    Local name: Mandar, Jaba
    Common name: China rose
    Parts used: Flower, leaves
    Plant character: It is a bushy, evergreen shrub or a small tree, mostly grown in gardens, parks and homesteads as an ornament plant. It prefers full sun but will tolerate light shade.


    The flower is used for hair care products mainly for prevention of dandruffs; dying and conditioning of hairs. Oil from the flower also used for hair care. The plant is used for the treatment of fever, coughs, diabetes, infections (bacteria and fungi) and gastric ulcers.

    Botanical name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

    Family: Malvaceae

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  • Manjuati
    Botanical name: Lawsonia inermis
    Family: Lythraceae
    Local name: Manjuati, Mehendi
    Common name: Henna, Mignonette
    Parts used: Root, Leaves
    Plant character: It is a small tree with creamish-white fragrant flowers. It requires bright sunlight and do not prefer too cold climate. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental and hedge plant; also occur in the wild.


    This plant is a source of dye for skin and hair. The root is medicinally used to cure jaundice, dandruff, and prevent skin inflammations.

    Botanical name: Lawsonia inermis

    Family: Lythraceae

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  • Nagayiri
    Botanical name: Lantana camara var. aculeata
    Family: Verbenaceae
    Local name: Nagayiri, Putus
    Common name: Wild sage, Yellow sage
    Parts used: Leaf
    Plant character: It is a highly invasive alien weedy perennial shrub of forest floors, road sides, waste places. Flowers are pink/ red/ violet/ purple/ yellow; fruits globose, black when ripe. These plants like full sunlight or partial sun. It is also a cultivated ornamental plant.


    Fresh leaf juice is applied on fresh wounds immediately to stop bleeding effectively.

    Botanical name: Lantana camara var. aculeata

    Family: Verbenaceae

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  • Pana
    Botanical name: Piper betel
    Family: Piperaceae
    Local name: Pana
    Common name: Betel vine
    Parts used: Leaf
    Plant character: A twiner growing with support of trellis. Leaves aromatic, cordate with acuminate apex. It grows under shade and humid conditions. It normally does not bear flowers and fruits. It is widely cultivated in coastal areas for its leaf.


    Leaves are used to cure night blindness and cold.

    Botanical name: Piper betel

    Family: Piperaceae

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  • Pedipedika
    Botanical name: Abutilon indicum
    Family: Malvaceae
    Local name: Pedipedica
    Common name: Monkey bush , Indian abutilon
    Parts used: Leaf
    Plant character: It is an erect, highly branched shrub with softly hairy plant parts. Leaves simple but with crenate margins. Flowers are yellow; fruit a schizocarp, ovoid-subglobose. Plant requires full sunlight to partial shade and grows in open sunny places. It is found growing wild and can be cultivated.


    Leaves with black peppers are ground to make paste and the paste is taken orally to cure jaundice.

    Botanical name: Abutilon indicum

    Family: Malvaceae

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  • Pijuli
    Botanical name: Psidium guajava
    Family: Myrtaceae
    Local name: Pijuli, Peda, Guava
    Common name: Guava, Apple guava
    Parts used: Fruit
    Plant character: It is a small tree with smooth trunk and flaky bark. Leaves are prominently nerved. Flowers are white. Fruits ellipsoid, fleshy, edible.


    Plant is effective to cure dysentery with blood diarrhoea and diabetes.

    Botanical name: Psidium guajava

    Family: Myrtaceae

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  • Pippali
    Botanical name: Piper longum
    Family: Piperaceae
    Local name: Pippali, Long Pepper
    Common name: Indian Long Pepper
    Parts used: Fruit
    Plant character: It is a robust climber with rooting at the nodes and profuse branches. It needs support for its proper growth. The leaves are deep green; flowers are unisexual, borne on spikes. Fruits elongate, black. The species needs partial shade for its ideal growth.


    Fruit is usually used as spice. It is also used for the treatment of chronic bronchitis, cough, fever and respiratory infections.

    Botanical name: Piper longum

    Family: Piperaceae

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  • Podina
    Botanical name: Mentha piperita
    Family: Lamiaceae
    Local name: Podina,pudina, mint
    Common name: Peppermint
    Parts used: Leaf
    Plant character: It is a perennial medicinal herb; grown in gardens or in pots. It can withstand partial shade. Direct sunlight may slow its growth, and will require more watering. Widely cultivated in home gardens for its culinary use.


    The essential oil and leaf extracts of this popular herb is used for curing indigestion and hyper-acidity. Mint oil is used has pesticidal and insecticidal properties to repel mosquitos, ants etc. Peppermint is also used in flavoring ice creams, candy, fruits, alcoholic beverages, toothpaste and skin care products.

    Botanical name: Mentha piperita

    Family: Lamiaceae

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  • Prasaruni
    Botanical name: Paederia foetida
    Family: Rubiaceae
    Local name: Prasaruni, Pasaruni
    Common name: Skunk Vine, Chinese Fever Vine
    Parts used: Leaf
    Plant character: It is a slender perennial climber with acute leaves with unpleasant odour. Flowers are tubular, pink. It grows well in bright sun light. They are found in the forests and also grown in gardens.


    Plant is effective to cure joint pain. Leaves are also used to treat stomach diseases, infertility and paralysis.

    Botanical name: Paederia foetida

    Family: Rubiaceae

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  • Puruni
    Botanical name: Boerhavia diffusa
    Family: Nyctaginaceae
    Local name: Puruni, Punarnava
    Common name: Punarnava, Hog weed
    Parts used: Leaf, Root
    Plant character: It is a decumbent herbaceous plant with fleshy orbicular leaves, pink flowers and sticky fruits. It cannot grow in the shade too. The plant grows wild as an weed in waste places, but can be cultivated.


    Decoction of roots is used in the treatment of jaundice and eye diseases. Root bark paste is used for eczema. The leaves are used as a leafy vegetable.

    Botanical name: Boerhavia diffusa

    Family: Nyctaginaceae

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  • Rashi
    Botanical name: Sesamum indicum
    Family: Pedaliaceae
    Local name: Rashi, Khasa, Tila
    Common name: Sesame
    Parts used: Seeds
    Plant character: It is anerect herbaceous annual herb with white or light pink bell-shaped flowers and elongate, compressed fruits. Seeds are black, flat. It requires very hot, dry conditions and bright sunlight for growth. Usually cultivated but runs wild as an escape.


    The seed oil is applied on scalp for better hair growth and for control of hair fall. The oil is used in ayurvedic medicines for massaging in rheumatic problems. Seeds are used for making sweet deserts.

    Botanical name: Sesamum indicum

    Family: Pedaliaceae

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  • Rukunahathpocha
    Botanical name: Plectranthus amboinicus
    (=Coleus amboinicus)
    Family: Lamiaceae
    Local name: Rukunahathpocha
    Common name: Mexican Mint/ thyme/ oregano
    Parts used: Leaves
    Plant character: Plant characters: It is a semi-succulent perennial plant with thick sweet-scented leaves. It grows best in partial shade. The plant is mostly harvested from cultivated sources.


    Leaves are highly flavoured and useful for indigestion, bowl complaints and to increase appetite.

    Botanical name: Plectranthus amboinicus

    Family: Lamiaceae

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